Access to our library is free for everybody.
If you want to borrow some items (books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs and magazines) and if you want to have access to the cybercentre (computers and Internet) you need a membership card.
This card is free for students, job seekers and disabled people.
For the others there are two types of membership:
- For 5€ a year you can borrow up to 10 items at any one time
- For 10€ a year you can borrow up to 30 items at any one time.
We provide:
- Books and audio books in foreign languages
- Free Wi-Fi
- Study space
- E-learning including French as a foreign language
- Videogames and board games
We organize different activities for children and adults, for example story time, English conversation, French as a foreign language conversation, games evenings, etc.
To find out more go to our agenda culturel
All the activities are free.